How can you be three months old already?!
I find myself studying your features on a daily basis, willing time to slow down just a bit. I trace the curve of your eyebrows, touch your long dark eyelashes, smooth your crazy hair, and kiss your chubby toes. I try desperately to commit to memory every detail of how you are right now. How you chew on my shoulder and your hands now like it’s your job. How you smile constantly and laugh with your mouth wide open. How you play with my necklace and knead my shirt when you nurse. How you coo, and sing, and laugh when I talk to you.
You are one determined little girl. You decided one day a few weeks ago to start rolling over and you haven’t stopped since! You won’t stay on your back more than a few minutes now. You’ve started grabbing for things too! Mommy has to be careful about what’s in reach; you bat at everything you think you might be able to get your hands on.
How can it be that only a few short months ago you were still inside my belly, giving me heartburn and kicks in the ribs? So much has changed already.
You and your sister are my greatest joy. I love you to the moon and back baby girl!