Sunday, March 6, 2011

Spring Things

The snow has melted, the temps are rising, and the stores are stocking their shelves with Peeps and Cadbury eggs...Spring is on it's way people!

And just to further my excitement, look what I uncovered today when cleaning out my garden beds.

I'm so looking forward to spring flowers, easter baskets, and rain boots!

In other news....


That's all.

Hope you are enjoying the signs of Spring as much as I am!


  1. i just noticed that all of my bulbs are showing themselves too! my daffodils even have little buds. it is like a tease for spring!! <3

  2. I LOVE that you have "seasons"! I am jealous, I live in South FL were it is eaither raining or hot, and the ocassional "cool" days. Also- wow that spaghetti looks fun!


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