Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Monday's with Mommy: Farm Edition

Monday morning started off nice and slow for us this week, with extended pajama time, a leisurely breakfast, and several cups of coffee. I sat at our dining room table with my coffee and laptop perusing my summer-to-do-list (yes I have one), while Sydney sorted and resorted her blueberries and cheerios, feigning innocence as she occasionally dropped one on the floor with a mock look of surprise followed by a yell for the dog and a not-so-concealed grin as he gobbled up her "accident". I tried to ignore the shenanigans going on beside me and focused on picking some fun summer thing to do off my list for the day. Finally I settled on the U-Pick farm! We missed out on blueberry season, but the website said that the red raspberries were ready, so we packed up and headed out to the farm!

Sadly, there was not one raspberry to be found. Zero. Zilch. Nada.

So I suppose you could call our trip a bust, but I refuse to accept that. Besides, how can it be a bust when there are llamas, ponies, and tire swings to be enjoyed?!


Not what we expected, but definitely not a bust. (Of course now I'm going to have to make a trip to the grocery store or farmers market, because I can't get the idea of delicious red raspberries out of my head.)

Other than a quick trip to the store, we were homebodies the rest of the day.

I made THIS awesome corn and bean salad. It works great as a side dish or a salsa type dip. A few tweaks to the recipe: I used cilantro, because we love it, added two juiced limes instead of one, and I used a smoked chipotle Tabasco sauce, because it's what we had on hand. So, so, good!

We pulled lots of beets from the garden. I think I am going to try and make beet chips. I know, I know, what a great way to take a healthy food, and make it unhealthy...but there is a local restaurant that serves beet chips and Jon and I love them! (Though I'm not sure how good my homemade version will be.)

Sydney now has her very own leaptop! She loves this thing! It plays music, teaches her letters, and even has pretend emails and blog entries! :) Oh, and she get's a huge kick out of the fact that it knows her name, she cracks up every time it comes up.

Can you believe it's almost August? Summer is flying by. Still time to check more things off my summer-to-do-list though!

Sweet Shot Day


  1. U-pick is on my bucket list too! I was researching it earlier this week. I hope we don't drive 2 hours there, to pick nothing :( has pretend BLOG POSTS?! Kid toys these days!

  2. Luckily our drive was only about 20 minutes, so it wasn't too bad. I think maybe we were still just to early in the season, but who knows! I hope you have better luck than we did! :)


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